Thank you for this website. I am still new to the soroban and the generator helps me a lot.
I'd like to suggest a new way to practise: numbers flash on a screen, one at a time, at a short interval. (See this video for an example: https://youtu.be/rhhpxXSh-8Y)
In the video, the numbers flash extremely fast, but the speed could be a setting; the user may even choose to press enter or a button to display the next number.
The main goal would be to focus on one operation at a time. At present, I download PDFs. I look at the screen, look down to work on the soroban, then lift my head back at the screen and my eyes wander a little bit to refocus on the operation at hand. This is no big deal; actually this is part of the challenge. But we're not in a competition; we're here to enjoy practising the soroban.
Have a wonderful day!
You mean something like our tool on the page at https://www.sorobanexam.org/mentalcalcul... ? ;-)
Or if you want a desktop app, there is also https://www.sorobanexam.org/anzan.html a little app we made. You can use it offline, if you don't use the TTS speach synthetizer.
Yes, that's precisely it! :-)
The voice synthesis is a nice touch.
Have a nice day!