Would it be possible to add a sound effect for the virtual soroban? After all, hearing the clicking of the beads as they move is part of the soroban "experience" :-)
Keep up the good work!
Technically, there is 2 virtual sorobans: the one in flash for browser that don't support HTML5/canvas, and the one in HTML5/canvas.
For the last one, I have coded it myself, so I guess I can hack some sound somewhere. For the first one, may be it's possible or not.
The major problem is: which sound ? I haven't even a descent mic here. and to get a very good sound you need expensive microphones. Also I don't even have a wooden soroban, only one made of plastic.
I add this to my TODO list but don't hold your breath. I make no promises.
I suspect you just tried the soroban at http://www.sorobanbrasil.com.br/sorocalc. I did. and found annyoing the noise because it was not that good. (the sound is too repetitive. This makes me think that if I ever implement this, I need at least 3 different sounds of bead)
Also, what I wanted to do is change the way the beads move to make it more smooth.
If you Google for "click wav" for example, you will find many clicking sounds.
For example http://buggerluggs.tripod.com/wavs/click...
There are some iPhone/iPad soroban apps with clicking sounds. See for example:
Another video with nice sounds (and no background music!):
Hope this helps!