
2012-12-23 08:25 UTC

gravatar for interboy07

Hi, i have an issue with speech mode. eSpeak does not spell "-" in Turkish languge. But it spells "eksi" (which is "minus" in Turkish).

İs it possible to modify this software (anzan or eSpeak) to make it use "minus" in order to "-" in spelling.

solsTiCe d'Hiver

2012-12-23 22:28 UTC

gravatar for solsTiCe d'Hiver

hi. We need to clarify a few things first.
"-" is not "minus" for you so what is it ?
What is the correct way to say "minus" in turkish ? like in 5 - 3 i.e. 5 minus 3

Could you elaborate a bit more so I understand the situation ?


2013-01-04 14:01 UTC

gravatar for interboy07

hi again.

for example, spelling of (15+7) and (15-7).
(turkish translation: fifteen=onbes, seven=yedi, plus=arti, minus=eksi)

Speech for first calculation: "onbes arti yedi" which is correct.
but for second: "0nbes yedi". missing "eksi". Correct speaking should be like: "onbes eksi yedi".

another example: 42+11-29
(Turkish tranlation: fortyfive=kirkbes, eleven=onbir, twenynine=yirmidokuz, plus=arti, minus=eksi)

speech in anzan: kirkbes arti onbir yirmidokuz.

correct speaking should be like this:
kirkbes arti onbir eksi yirmidokuz.
"eksi" is missing again.


solsTiCe d'Hiver

2013-01-05 11:39 UTC

gravatar for solsTiCe d'Hiver

this is fixed in version of mentalcalculation