Zhi Yun

2010-07-09 09:08 UTC

gravatar for Zhi Yun

Very useful web site to practice abacus.
Could anyone teach me how to generate the worksheet based on 1 or 2 digits?
I need them for my girl who is beginner.

solsTiCe d'Hiver

2010-07-10 21:19 UTC

gravatar for solsTiCe d'Hiver

You can use the generator on the anzan page http://soroban-exam.appspot.com/anzan.ht.... It will give you additions of numbers of 1 digit.
Also the 8th kyu page include addition of 2 digits numbers.

You could generate yourself such numbers with any programming language. Even on an Excel page.
Also look at http://www.uitti.net/stephen/soroban/sor...